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Wild kratts full episodes youtube

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Chris quickly kisses Aviva by accident, Aviva looks brushes around Chris after he kissed her. But Martin has planning to stop Zach's evil plans. Aviva picks up one of little rats as she hugging them as Chris contracts his brother Martin that rat family was very cute as Zach might gonna attack them somehow. Back in Tortuga, Jimmy just order alot of pizzas from NYC, as Koki contracts Kratts brothers that they will have ten minutes until Zach Varmitech destroys the city with millions of sewer rats, meanwhile Chris and Aviva found the family of rats with little rats like a family. As Chris and Aviva will go after Zach as together as Martin will check on other rats of NYC into the sewers. But Martin shows up and rescues Chris and Aviva, they thanks to Martin for rescuing them but Zach and his robot army are aheading to the Mayor's mansion and destroying the city as killing all sewer rats. Meanwhile, Chris and Aviva was almost getting eated by sharks as the super rats almost chewing to cut the rope as faster. Meanwhile back in NYC, Martin was contracts to find his brother, Chris but he got called from Chris and Aviva that Zach tricked them that fake gaming show is a fake, he was using evil robots to scaring people of NYC, so Martin quickly to rescue his brother, Chris and his friend, Aviva, but he saw Falcon flies over with him as he was using his powers to fly into Zach's lair. As they saw rats are about to chew Chris and Aviva's rope into the killer sharks as soon. As they eating their hotdogs, riding in the subway, walking into the Central Park to feed the ducks, having a picnic together, after that they went into the gaming show as they meet with a game host (Zach Varmitech in disguise) as they found it out that Zach trapped them into the room as he tied them a rope into the sharks pool as he will have a evil plan to stop Kratt brothers as Wild Kratts members using his robots to scared the millions of people of NYC away from the city as possible and build new empire called New Zach City. In Times Square, Chris and Aviva are enjoying their date in NYC, as they are meet with bootleg characters such as Elmo and Cookie Monster. He will set a fake gaming show to put end on Wild Kratts members. Meanwhile, evil villain, Zach Varmitech has plans to stop Kratt brothers to end as he wanted the robots to ruining New York City as people will scared away from them. So Chris and Aviva are aheading to New York City for the animal challenging show (romantic themed), as Martin, Koki and Jimmy has to learn about sewer rats as other rats live in NYC.

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Aviva got a letter from TV studios that they will have a romantic themed animal show but there only will be two romantic contestants to challenge the trivia to win a prize of surprises, but what she will have to go on a date with someone? Jimmy refuses to take Aviva a date because he was too busy controlling the Tortuga, Koki wants to go to help her but she doesn't have a boyfriend yet, Aviva asked Martin to take her a date to the game show but Martin was too busy for preparing for his adventures with his brother, not until Chris asked her as he wants to go on a date with her to the game show, she was too happy as she hugging him too tight. The episode begins Tortuga was flying over New York state as Kratt brothers, Aviva, Koki and Jimmy are looking for the adventure for exploring more animals. Wild Kratts Season 6 Episode 153: Love Rats

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Here is my Wild Kratts episode idea for future episodes.

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