When i got into the small building i saw the empty room and no auspicious loot nor objects, the guide mark on the map was leading to the Cabot’s mention. I had to replay the mission from an hour back saving… as soon as i approached the man from the sect i commenced a dialogue with him and i acted as a bully, he was pushed by me verbally and stepped aside leaving me to open the door where he kept the girl. You can choose to join the cult, but that will mean that you have to turn over all your clothes and weapons. You can also sneak behind the Amphitheater and picklock the door. You can just go hostile on the cult’s leader and kill him and his followers. Go to Charles View Amphitheater and there are several ways to resolve the situation.

If you have high enough charisma you might even flirt and get into a one night stand with Magnolia (but that’s besides the point). You can talk to Magnolia, the singer,about Emogene. This is a pretty straightforward quest that first takes you to The Third Rail in Goodneighbor. You are in search for Jack’s sister Emogene. Try to be nice to Jack and agree to the things he says, because that will determine whether you will be able to get a Unique weapon as reward at the end of the chain.

If you give up the serum you will be rewarded an additional 50 bottlecaps (not that worth it compared to the value of the serum itself). If your Charisma is high enough you might be able to lie to Jack Cabot about the serum and keep some for yourself, or you can just hand it over to him. You will have to clear a raider camp and retrieve a Mysterious Serum for Jack. Deegan will answer – just insist he lets you in (thanks to Seriuse for the tip).įind Edward Deegan at one of the locations to start Special Delivery.He will give you the Special Delivery quest that requires you to visit the Cabot House where you’ll find out more about the story behind this side quest.

Update: If you have high Charisma, you can start this quest by going to Cabot house (a bit west from Pickman Gallery) and using the intercom. You can actively visit all of these places to initiate the meeting with Deegan, or if you continue your adventure and come across any of these places Deegan will talk to you on his own (if he’s there). From then on a ghoul named Edward Deegan might pop up in one of the following places: Dugout Inn in Diamond City, Colonial Taphouse in Diamond City, The Third Rail in Goodneighbor or Bunker Hill (next to the monument). Nothing will happen at that exact moment though and you will not be able to unlock the door to enter Parsons.

Special DeliveryTo even start the side quest chain you have to be at least level 10 and you have to have come across Parsons State Insane Asylum during your travels and kill the mercenaries there. Quests involved in gaining access to Parsons are part of the Secret of the Cabot House side quest chain and are Special Delivery, Emogene Takes a Lover and The Secret of Cabot House. In all probability you will also acquire some Mysterious Serum, which is a consumable that removes 36000 rads and provides +50 damage resistance and +5 STR. It is also part of a very interesting side quest chain that rewards you with unique weapons Lorenzo’s Artifact Gun or Zeta Gun.